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Academic Transcription

By: Kevin

2 Oct 2011

Transcription is the process of converting audio into text.

Academic transcription refers to transcription related to the field of education.


By: Kevin

7 Aug 2011

What is confidentiality? As the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in ISO-17799 defines it, confidentiality is "ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access" and is one of the cornerstones of information security.

The healthcare industry is governed by the federal law of The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) enacted by US Congress in 1996 to protect the privacy policies of patients' sensitive medical information.

Confidentiality in Transcription

By: Kevin

4 May 2011

What is confidentiality? As the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in ISO-17799 defines it, confidentiality is "ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access" and is one of the cornerstones of information security.

An agreement called as a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) or a confidentiality agreement is signed between the people involved. Basically, this agreement outlines the people involved, defines the information which is confidential, the time frame during which this agreement is effective, etc.

Live Chat

By: Kevin

23 Feb 2011

Transcription Hub is proud to inform you that we have added a new feature to our website, "Live Help Chat," to better serve your needs for instant information.

To access this feature, you will need to visit our website,, where you will find the "Live Help" logo on the left hand side of the screen. Clicking on this logo will take you to a login page where you enter your name and email id. Once the login process has been completed, you will be presented with a text chat screen and can get any clarifications instantly from our executive online via text chatting.

Legal Transcription

By: Kevin

28 Jan 2011

Legal transcription refers to the transcription of audio/video pertaining to matters of law.

Law is a system of rules enforced by specified institutions. It reaches into virtually every aspect of life. It shapes politics, economics and society.

Laws dealing with society, commerce and regulation are differentiated with different agencies enforcing the same.

Medical Transcription

By: Kevin

15 Nov 2010

Medical transcription is the process whereby voice-recorded reports of patients are dictated by physicians and/or other healthcare professionals and converted into text format. This is an allied health profession.

The two main types of instruments used in recording include a hand-held recorder or dialing into a regular telephone which is connected to a central server located in a hospital or transcription service office. These recordings are accessed by medical transcriptionists and converted into text.

A Transcriber

By: Kevin

16 Sep 2010

Who is a transcriber? A transcriber is a person who performs the function of converting audio into text format. The audio may be either from an audio or audio derived from a video. A transcriber listens to the audio and types it out.

Who can become a transcriber? Just about anyone can become a transcriber or transcriptionist as they are otherwise called.

Quality Transcripts

By: Kevin

17 Aug 2010

What is quality? Simply put, quality is a measure of excellence. In a business, this means that the product or service is free from defects and the output is satisfactory to the customer. The goal of any business is to provide quality products or services and in the business of transcription this translates to the quality of the transcripts. We all understand the need for quality transcripts from transcription companies.

.edu Transcription

By: Kevin

27 Jul 2010

.edu has been derived from the word education and accessing websites ending in .edu will lead to an educational institution such as a university, college, or school.

Educational institutions are in the business of imparting knowledge and like any other business have the need to document information.

This documentation process often involves recording of meetings, lectures and other functions associated with an educational institution. These recordings are later converted into text form via transcription.

We are now Transcription HUB

By: Kevin

1 Jul 2010

We are really excited to launch our new site Transcription HUB ( - Transcription Service on the Cloud (Internet, Web, Hub).

e24 Transcription ( is now renamed to Transcription HUB ( Only our name has changed, but not the great team which has been serving you since 2005.

We have enhanced our new site with new features, services and content based on all your constructive feedbacks.

If you are registered with, the same userid and password can be used at our new site