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Subtitling for quicker Video search
Subtitling for quicker Video search
By: admin
14 Feb 2017Closed captioning or subtitling was introduced in the early 1970s for the benefit of the deaf and hearing impaired. The concept also became popular for people who could not comprehend a non-native language. It is also used in noisy environments or public places where the audio is usually muted. Formerly, closed captioning indicated that the captions had to be activated; open captioning was visible to all viewers. Today, the terms subtitling and closed captioning are more or less synonymous.
Broader Reach
Closed captioning also allows broadcasters to reach out to a wider audience. Television programs and entertainment videos can be effectively understood by foreign audiences. There are more viewers out there with English as a second language than native English speakers. Advertisers and marketers are using it as an effective tool to get their messages and products around the globe. Subtitling enhances viewer comprehension and retention of the content.
Search & Mobile Friendly
Closed captioning can be used as Meta data that makes your video searchable by text. You can also web-embed your videos to make them search engine-friendly. Subtitling can also be used to index videos digitally so they can be searched and accessed whenever required.
With the overwhelming use of mobile phones and the widespread propensity to view videos on the small screen, subtitles enable people to view your content in environments where the audio is constricted. They can enjoy videos more conveniently anywhere they happen to be.
Subtitles are extremely useful, not only for people trying to learn a new language, but for all kinds of educational courses. Captioning can be particularly useful in e-learning programs. It makes e-learning courses accessible to more students who otherwise could not comprehend the spoken words in the module.
Captioning also caters to a more extensive range of learning requirements. Subtitles can immensely help learners with special needs as they can keep pace with the spoken words by reading the corresponding text.
Transcription HUB
Captioning is an expert discipline and requires the services of professional transcribers who are proficient in the language and can deliver 100% accuracy. Transcription HUB has a team of transcribers who are experts in various languages apart from English. We convert the spoken words into text and synchronize the captions with sound effects and other non-speech elements of the video.
We can also provide additional information with reference to the current video screen or other interpretative text. Our transcribers provide the captioning verbatim as the words are spoken or in an edited form. We can also add descriptions of non-speech elements if considered they can enhance the overall comprehension of your video.